My Story and Your Alchemy

“My name is Gill Kirkham
I woke up fully the night I embodied the essence of a Starbeing in 2014. It has led me to leave the business consultancy world in order to help people reconnect with all of their super senses and work multidimensionally to overcome problems to developing more passion and purpose.

Trained in trauma release I soon cultivated a set of phenomenal protocols that make state change and emotional navigation. My goal is not just about shifting limiting beliefs, but also about learning how to fully perceive in order to receive!
I strive to be a more expansive and transformational coach who cultivates safety and personal empowerment. My intention is to improve relationships, business, and life.”,
All the magic appears with the work you are avoiding! 

My soul screamed so loud I finally heard it! ”You are here to help people and in ways that will make you feel out on a limb and magical simultaneously.” I went from feeling unique to incredible to many dark nights of the soul 

I spot mirrors in people’s behaviour, unhelpful sub-conscious programs and the juicy shadow self that no one wants to talk about! 

As a child, I disconnected from my gifts through judgment and conditioning. Then, I began to ‘wake up’, and follow the signs that led me to courageous action and joy. I got WILD, I became visible, took risks, and became prosperous.

But,  we get caught up with attachments to people and the past, and it is not always an easy path. Each individual’s true awakening happens when we realise our ‘old story’ no longer has to be our present one.

The more awakened we are, the more we can alchemise our old story; this will become the map of our future. It becomes a valuable and enlightening set of personal gifts and talents. But, it takes courage and often a dance with the ego to make this happen. Awakening is not about how ‘spiritual’ you can be. It is ALL about letting s*** go, being kind and compassionate to ourselves and showing humility to others. 

It is about putting our heart’s desires first, letting go of guilt, shame and blame, and then becoming unbridled and unstoppable at appreciating the significant and straightforward. 

We move into the person we came here to be and feel. Then we attract those on the same higher vibration so life’s synchronicities, opportunities and coincidences keep rolling in.

Do you want to know more about the Star Being?

The consistent part of my career is connecting people with their desires.I began early, working as a trainer for Orange, Virgin Mobile and Volvo.I moved into houses. Property development and went for a late degree in property management and investment.

I noticed my diversity; I took myself off to a psychologist and was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyspraxia. What a relief! This made my struggles more transparent. ADHD does stand for Attention Tuned into a Higher Dimension. 

Why? Because my differences were incredible, and although I scraped through at school at uni, I wanted to pass with flying colours, and my symptoms were a massive hindrance to achieving. I did not know then that I was destined to create ways of managing my energy and mindset, which will help those who are neuro-diverse and those who want to be happier. 

I continued my career in corporate sales and marketing, which was a success on many levels but not quite reaching a sense of deep satisfaction. Due to a turn of events, an intervention of sorts, I left the corporate world and began to restudy human behaviour.

I had been ignoring and not listening to my desire, so it screamed at me in a way that my whole life fell apart so that I would make the changes required to reconnect with my soul-driven purpose to create change in the world. 

My big awakening moment was when my then spiritual coach was holding space for me, and I saw what can only be described as a miracle. One vast matrix of light formed in front of me, and it was the globe, A grid system of the world was shown to me, and this was the turning point of no longer hiding from what was now unquestionable. 

That night my fingers felt like they were growing energetically. My entire energy system had switched on, and I could see, sense, and feel more than before. I embarked on a spiritual mission to understand and connect with many modalities, psychology, and personality profiling. I had psychic trainers and coaches and surrounded myself with people on the same journey. I became a Reiki Practitioner, an Angelic Reiki Practitioner. Then went much deeper during 18-month training as an Experiential Healing Coach Practitioner specialising in trauma, ego and inner child healing work. 

I began my coaching journey with the Entrepreneurs Project to help small business owners thrive in business and transform any limiting beliefs and energy holding them back. 

My clients now are international, and I support independents and business owners from the start of their journey and Executives and CEOs of multi-million-pound companies. I have an affiliation with those creating change in the world, which really lights me up.  


I have been told by one trusted ‘Oracle’ that I am one of only three people on the planet who is specifically here to bring the energy of JOY to as many people as possible, which felt like a massive responsibility. In one collaborative healing process with her, she guided me to the aspect of my soul which matched with the soul essence of my 13th-dimensional counterpart; I was sobbing uncontrollably with love and the enormity of it all where I felt hundreds of thousands of souls that are here on earth ready to connect with their inner JOY. I keep calling them as I now know I am one of the conduits to assist in their process.  

A second ‘Seer and clarity coach/healer ‘ was blown away when I completely reconfigured her energy over the phone during a first meeting, she had been having uncontrollable orgasms for nearly a month, and I stopped it in seconds. She found me via a dream and had called a mutual friend from South Africa. One lazy Sunday morning, I was in bed and took a call from a mutual friend, who said, ‘ I have another crazy friend like you; she says the ‘blue beings’ came to her last night and told her to call me as I would know who she needs to speak to” he then went on to say is a disparaging but affectionate way ‘and you are the only other CRAZY I know that talks about aliens. After I had worked with her a few times, she said ” OH WOW, you are the most profound communication system I have ever worked with. ( which, of course, my ego loved)! 

Another healer was receiving therapy from me, and I found the soul of her new baby in transition into her womb; she had not mentioned a high chance she was two weeks pregnant. She then went on to have a bouncing baby girl. 

I could share many stories, like the energy cleanse I do on some of my retreats to remove parasitic power that compounds dependency and addictions like attachment to food, drink, drugs, or unhealthy relationships. It is also a vibrational cleanse for a specific viral point that has swept the nation in 2020. For example, another lady came to me for business expansion, and in the first session, it became clear that it was her 20-year marriage, which was the actual reason she was called to me. ( she had no idea until we got into the session.)  We cleared sexual abuse trauma from a past life, and within two weeks of her first session, her marriage and sex life were heavenly and active. One more story of business success was a lady who ran a team of ten; she came to me out of concern as she didn’t want to hurt the feelings of her less productive staff, but she needed to optimise her business, as it was suffering through lethargy and was capable of so much more. Within one session where I had tuned in, and she left with four pages of written notes to completely turn her business around, she returned to me. She said that all the symbolic elephants had left the room, and her new perspectives and courage completely shifted how the company was systemised. This shows me that communication and relationships are the keys to all change, especially with yourself. 


Everything I do is about empowering you to be more aware of your gifts and talents, activate your ascension process and give you absolute clear guidance, so you have the courage and confidence to live the life you love. There is no ‘one size fits all approach, your soul tells me what you need, and you tell me what you want. So I have the intuitive knowing, the background, practical knowledge, and drive to challenge and support you and give you many pearls of wisdom I have learnt to help get under the skin of your business to make them thrive and your relationships harmonious.

testimonials from three highly conscious leaders

My Story and Your Alchemy

“My name is Gill Kirkham
I woke up fully the night I embodied the essence of a Starbeing in 2014. It has led me to leave the business consultancy world in order to help people reconnect with all of their super senses and work multidimensionally to overcome problems to developing more passion and purpose.

Trained in trauma release I soon cultivated a set of phenomenal protocols that make state change and emotional navigation. My goal is not just about shifting limiting beliefs, but also about learning how to fully perceive in order to receive!
I strive to be a more expansive and transformational coach who cultivates safety and personal empowerment. My intention is to improve relationships, business, and life.”,
All the magic appears with the work you are avoiding! 

My soul screamed so loud I finally heard it! ”You are here to help people and in ways that will make you feel out on a limb and magical simultaneously.” I went from feeling unique to incredible to many dark nights of the soul 

I spot mirrors in people’s behaviour, unhelpful sub-conscious programs and the juicy shadow self that no one wants to talk about! 

As a child, I disconnected from my gifts through judgment and conditioning. Then, I began to ‘wake up’, and follow the signs that led me to courageous action and joy. I got WILD, I became visible, took risks, and became prosperous.

But,  we get caught up with attachments to people and the past, and it is not always an easy path. Each individual’s true awakening happens when we realise our ‘old story’ no longer has to be our present one.

The more awakened we are, the more we can alchemise our old story; this will become the map of our future. It becomes a valuable and enlightening set of personal gifts and talents. But, it takes courage and often a dance with the ego to make this happen. Awakening is not about how ‘spiritual’ you can be. It is ALL about letting s*** go, being kind and compassionate to ourselves and showing humility to others. 

It is about putting our heart’s desires first, letting go of guilt, shame and blame, and then becoming unbridled and unstoppable at appreciating the significant and straightforward. 

We move into the person we came here to be and feel. Then we attract those on the same higher vibration so life’s synchronicities, opportunities and coincidences keep rolling in.

Do you want to know more about the Star Being?

The consistent part of my career is connecting people with their desires.I began early, working as a trainer for Orange, Virgin Mobile and Volvo.I moved into houses. Property development and went for a late degree in property management and investment.

I noticed my diversity; I took myself off to a psychologist and was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyspraxia. What a relief! This made my struggles more transparent. ADHD does stand for Attention Tuned into a Higher Dimension. 

Why? Because my differences were incredible, and although I scraped through at school at uni, I wanted to pass with flying colours, and my symptoms were a massive hindrance to achieving. I did not know then that I was destined to create ways of managing my energy and mindset, which will help those who are neuro-diverse and those who want to be happier. 

I continued my career in corporate sales and marketing, which was a success on many levels but not quite reaching a sense of deep satisfaction. Due to a turn of events, an intervention of sorts, I left the corporate world and began to restudy human behaviour.

I had been ignoring and not listening to my desire, so it screamed at me in a way that my whole life fell apart so that I would make the changes required to reconnect with my soul-driven purpose to create change in the world. 

My big awakening moment was when my then spiritual coach was holding space for me, and I saw what can only be described as a miracle. One vast matrix of light formed in front of me, and it was the globe, A grid system of the world was shown to me, and this was the turning point of no longer hiding from what was now unquestionable. 

That night my fingers felt like they were growing energetically. My entire energy system had switched on, and I could see, sense, and feel more than before. I embarked on a spiritual mission to understand and connect with many modalities, psychology, and personality profiling. I had psychic trainers and coaches and surrounded myself with people on the same journey. I became a Reiki Practitioner, an Angelic Reiki Practitioner. Then went much deeper during 18-month training as an Experiential Healing Coach Practitioner specialising in trauma, ego and inner child healing work. 

I began my coaching journey with the Entrepreneurs Project to help small business owners thrive in business and transform any limiting beliefs and energy holding them back. 

My clients now are international, and I support independents and business owners from the start of their journey and Executives and CEOs of multi-million-pound companies. I have an affiliation with those creating change in the world, which really lights me up.  


I have been told by one trusted ‘Oracle’ that I am one of only three people on the planet who is specifically here to bring the energy of JOY to as many people as possible, which felt like a massive responsibility. In one collaborative healing process with her, she guided me to the aspect of my soul which matched with the soul essence of my 13th-dimensional counterpart; I was sobbing uncontrollably with love and the enormity of it all where I felt hundreds of thousands of souls that are here on earth ready to connect with their inner JOY. I keep calling them as I now know I am one of the conduits to assist in their process.  

A second ‘Seer and clarity coach/healer ‘ was blown away when I completely reconfigured her energy over the phone during a first meeting, she had been having uncontrollable orgasms for nearly a month, and I stopped it in seconds. She found me via a dream and had called a mutual friend from South Africa. One lazy Sunday morning, I was in bed and took a call from a mutual friend, who said, ‘ I have another crazy friend like you; she says the ‘blue beings’ came to her last night and told her to call me as I would know who she needs to speak to” he then went on to say is a disparaging but affectionate way ‘and you are the only other CRAZY I know that talks about aliens. After I had worked with her a few times, she said ” OH WOW, you are the most profound communication system I have ever worked with. ( which, of course, my ego loved)! 

Another healer was receiving therapy from me, and I found the soul of her new baby in transition into her womb; she had not mentioned a high chance she was two weeks pregnant. She then went on to have a bouncing baby girl. 

I could share many stories, like the energy cleanse I do on some of my retreats to remove parasitic power that compounds dependency and addictions like attachment to food, drink, drugs, or unhealthy relationships. It is also a vibrational cleanse for a specific viral point that has swept the nation in 2020. For example, another lady came to me for business expansion, and in the first session, it became clear that it was her 20-year marriage, which was the actual reason she was called to me. ( she had no idea until we got into the session.)  We cleared sexual abuse trauma from a past life, and within two weeks of her first session, her marriage and sex life were heavenly and active. One more story of business success was a lady who ran a team of ten; she came to me out of concern as she didn’t want to hurt the feelings of her less productive staff, but she needed to optimise her business, as it was suffering through lethargy and was capable of so much more. Within one session where I had tuned in, and she left with four pages of written notes to completely turn her business around, she returned to me. She said that all the symbolic elephants had left the room, and her new perspectives and courage completely shifted how the company was systemised. This shows me that communication and relationships are the keys to all change, especially with yourself. 


Everything I do is about empowering you to be more aware of your gifts and talents, activate your ascension process and give you absolute clear guidance, so you have the courage and confidence to live the life you love. There is no ‘one size fits all approach, your soul tells me what you need, and you tell me what you want. So I have the intuitive knowing, the background, practical knowledge, and drive to challenge and support you and give you many pearls of wisdom I have learnt to help get under the skin of your business to make them thrive and your relationships harmonious.

testimonials from three highly conscious leaders

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