testimonials from three highly conscious leaders
‘’Gill made me feel at total ease from our first scoping call, through my personal development and continued growth of 2020. She’s aided relationship issues, helped me gain traction in business ventures and had a focal part in turning my entire life around; which is something I wouldn’t say lightly. I would highly recommend reaching out to Gill"‘
Sean Walker
Director of Nero Recruitment
"Gill has something very special, an ability to blend a business mind with something more holistic. She makes you open your eyes and question yourself and your limitations. She's gentle, (mostly) kind, fun and has an ability to make you want to step up and reach your full potential. I feel much more connected to myself, my work and with her support, I am finding myself more able to trust my judgement, be more self aware and have a sense of absolute clarity."
Laura Ludlow
Founder of DiscovHer, The WonderList and Brave & Brilliant Pod Cast
''Gill has changed my life I honestly don’t think I could ever recommend her enough. She’s helped me heal and we’ve really gone there in terms of healing from grief and loss. As a result, my life looks entirely different and I’m more ambitious and my energy is off the scale. Now my business is thriving and I’ve let go of so much!
Victoria Knowles Lack
CEO Shot Gun & Chelsea Bun Club. Best Selling Author of Make it Happen