Hot off the press, hold the front page.... This is a Massive opportunity for 10 intuitive leaders to take their spiritual awareness and gifts to a new level of extraordinary.

We begin on the 22nd September at 7.30pm so it is time to choose whether this is for you

The information for this 6 week container was channelled in the last few days and has just arrived on the planet from 9th Dimensional consciousness. I even woke up with a bloodshot eye as this information came in so fast. The miracle is that it was shaped like a little heart 🙂

Have you felt a subtle transformation in yourself, and your spiritual radar has accelerated
over the last few months?

If so read on...

So this is for you if you know that you doing what your heart has called you to do and, but you understand that there is more to come and you wish to expand your abilities to RECEIVE unconditionally.

This IS a Collaboration of Empowering Abundance in the Super Conscious

Whilst you celebrate the success you have achieved, you are ready to birth profound, passionate manifestation and move away from the ultimate F.E.A.R (false evidence appearing real) which is always niggling in the subconscious.

Maybe your business is thriving yet you still miss connecting with people on a deeper level, especially the connection with yourself. I completely feel you! I used to sit and question why I seemed to be winning yet lacked inner peace, my true psychic skills and wondered why my health or wellbeing was not as good as it could be.

However you are questioning yourself, you are ready to reach more people, expand your self awareness, and recognise all of the beautiful energy that is around you so you can connect with it for emotional, spiritual and superconscious connection in a multi-dimensional way.

Multi -Dimensional Heart Connection is Ready for You

The reality is you DO have all the answers inside of you, and sometimes you get glimpses of that precious connected energy, those synchronicities and non-coincidences that mean everything is in flow.

The way to consistently reach more flow states of being is through a new channelled energy tool which has only been available on the planet in the last few days

You will be able to use this with your clients friends and family to empower abundance and manifest

You will be part of a collaboration to help anchor this 9th Dimensional Golden Energy into the earth with no attachment, but at the same time help raise the vibration on the planet

1 week Ago I was Sensing a New Presence in My Home

This is a short notice invitation for no more that 10 intuitive leaders. A method has been realised and this is your opportunity for mastering your ability to alchemise F.E.A.R, connect with all of the beings that have been waiting for you and get a full picture of your energetic colours, aura and resonance.

Join me and a member of my Crystalline Alchemy Mastermind who have been working with this new 9th Dimensional energy to activate our own new cosmic tool and our abilities have soared. I am now having full on conversations with my Galactic parents.

Do You Remember Being Afraid of the Dark as a Child ?

If so this is the moment of clarity where it becomes a very positive experience for ALL aspects of your life. I can confirm it was the beings from the 4th & 5th Dimension and beyond, trying to communicate with you.

The F.E.A.R and lack of energetic communication tools was preventing the connection and now it is time to change this as it will resonate in other areas of your life.

I have a feeling you will relate to these thoughts that I used to have...

'I know I am capable of so much and the key is this connection with my higher self''

''I have so many ideas I struggle to keep up and create stress which prevents my fully fledged self from rising ''

''What if I charge more money and nobody comes?''
'I know there are beings, guides and energies patiently waiting to contact me and are helping to heal and transform me''

''I want so badly to be in a place of Divine unconditional receiving but do not know what that entirely looks like''

Helping to activate your gifts and find ALL the answers within you, realise your manifesting skills to the ultimate spiritual uplevel of empowered abundance and energetic mastery is my life's work, and this 9th Dimensional energy is only available to those who have the vibration of generosity, high integrity and openness. Those who are destined to make an impact on the world, like you, those who are so close to cracking open into the next level of that heart led legacy. You will have to make a quick choice and apply immediately. Let your soul lead the way.

What Will it Feel like to...?

Amplify the connection with your beings, guides and energies for empowered healing and transformation!

Receive unconditionally ? ... Pause on this point and breathe it in deeply... No dread, no limbo, no envy, simply visualising, knowing and receiving.

Expand your desires into reality faster through this connection with your higher self.

Be so connected with your heart that choices are confidently soul led without guilt and you have a harmonious relationship with your emotions, health and business.

Only work with pressure that propels you forward to achieve.

Increase your fees so that your clients match with your highest frequency and together you are raising the vibration of each other and the collective frequency of abundance on the planet.

These are the exact experiences my clients have had through our work, and THIS right now, is the ultimate gift from the Universe/your higher-self. WE are here on this planet at a very special time and these energies have not been available to us like this before. You no longer need to feel like something is missing or work has to be hard, or your health or love life is being compromised as we have been given the keys to expansion.

Here is the Container of HOW!

During the 5 sessions, you will activate, immerse and integrate this
new energetic tool and method to free F.E.A.R consciousness that will ensure you receive
love and abundance unconditionally.

Evening Equinox Online Retreat

Introduction to the technique and Equinox through the looking glass portal activation and background on the new channelled tool. 

Heidi Smith my intuitive movement facilitator will bring a 20 minute movement practice.

Your energy will be cleansed and we will prepare to raise your vibration for the next session. This will be 2.5 hours of live channelling, activation and facilitation with exactly what is appearing for you.

1-2-1 Energetic Mapping and Transformation 

This 1-2-1 session with both me and a member of my Crystalline Mastermind and incredible ‘seer’ Jayne Tricker, will give you the ultimate energy audit.

Find out your personal energy colour patterning and what it means. Plus the energetics of what may have been holding you back from lifetimes, karma or your ancestry. Together we will know the keys to your ultimate expansion and the first introduction to the  9th Dimensional energy. This will be 90 minutes.

2 x Experiential Spiritual Masterminds 

Come to this session to align, focus and continue the journey of deeper awareness as we connect and  experience the next layer of integration and teaching on a personal level. This will be 2 hours and you will be activated each time. 

1-2-1 Personalised Tracking of Expansion

A deeper dive into how the ultimate up-level experience is showing up in your life, how you are responding to the tools and receiving unconditionally and absolute clarity on your next steps . This will be 90 minutes.

Circle Completion

A further activation and evening session as we prepare to ride the big wave of energy through until the end of October. Jessica Harrod Luminous Collective Member and advanced breathwork coach will bring 20 minutes of gentle breathwork  This will be 90 minutes of activation, mentoring, and completion.

This is for you if…

You consider yourself as an Intuitive leader, coach, healer, facilitator, therapist, Starseed, or someone on their awakening journey.

Plus you are definitely feeling the pull to free yourself of the unhelpful fear consciousness and see how that cascades into abundance with your life.

Also, you wish to journey and mastermind with other leaders on this high frequency of light. 

This is not for you if… 

You wish to remain in old subconscious patterns and B.S. stories of the past, which is like ‘litter wrapped in glitter’. 

It is restriction energy which feels safe like a comfortable dirty old pair of slippers that you keep because they are so familiar.


Why is this date so important?

The planetary energy leading up to the time 20.20 on the 22nd September 2021 is about being in your light and moving through any fears in a whole new way so that you can not only up-level yourself spiritually but your beacon of light is amplified to call those who you are here to serve.

The Outcome 

You will be gifted a 9D technique I channelled with the help of the Crystalline Mastermind Lightworkers, specifically so you feel empowered to move from fear into light-based decisions and attractive higher vibe experiences with money and relationships.

This is deep work with extremely high vibrational outcomes.

''It fills me with Goddess Warrior vibes to empower others with this technique to raise self awareness, allow unconditional receiving and take courageous action.''

Gill Kirkham

A few transformations from past events and activations - And these are just the beginning

Hi I am Gill

''I am a multidimensional joy activator Queen of Energetic Mastery and my absolute passion is to not only make the cosmic comfortable but to join ALL the dots of spirituality, sensuality and self love with abundance in wealth and relationships

Everything is connected and I was in hard core sales for many years, reading and connecting people with their desires I now teach this on a whole new level with the help of my Galactic family, Shamanic Medicine Man and White Feather. I am an expert in psychological and metaphysical shadow spots which hold you back, a specialist trauma release coach and have all the will in the world to help raise the vibration on this beautiful earth.''

The clients on the last retreat ended with these words for me. ''Soul Sister'' ''True Champion'' ''All seeing eye'' ''Magnetic'' ''Joy Activator'' ''The Special One'' '' Beyond Words'' ''Channel for Growth'' ''Maestro'' ''Magical''

Need to Knows!

Paid In Full Discount

3 x Instalments of

All sessions will be recorded

Payment is non refundable but will be returned if you the application does not feel in your best interest at this time.

Please treat these sessions like a Modern Day Mystery School so that you are respectfully prioritised, prepared and present to be in receiving mode

1-2-1's can be in person or on Zoom

During the 6 weeks you will have a Whats App group for questions, and check ins

"I have had the biggest shift in my own personal development. The awareness I gained enabled me to dig deeper, "join the dots" and understand myself to a whole new level...something I have been trying to do most of my adult life."
Lynn Taylor - Wellness Coach

Cosmic Relationship Course Offer